Being a typical second child, Lyla doesn't get much time alone with one of us. She is such a laid back child though that she never really seems to mind. Well this past week we had the opportunity to take Sydney to stay with her Mimi and PopPop in Myrtle beach, leaving me with just my Lyla bean. We spent Thursday just hanging out with MeMaw, and Lyla took that opportunity to ham it up. She was just as adorable and sweet as can be. And as soon as she realized she had the run of all the toys she was one extremely happy camper. On Wednesday night, I even pulled her into bed with me and snuggled her all night long. (shhh, don't tell me hubby) Then on Friday on our way home, I decided we were going to make a slight detour and stop at the NC aquarium. Lyla loves her some fishies so I thought this would be the perfect field trip for her. This turned one of the best memories I have ever had as a parent. It was such a perfect day and one that I will never forget!!!!

Running to the first tank pointing and yelling fishie
More fishies!!!
Look mommy, MORE FISHIE!!!!
Whoa, what is that thing???
This thing really wanted to eat her, he was going nuts, hard to tell in this picture, I couldn't get it, but he kept opening and closing his mouth
She was mesmerized!!!!
Look mommy, I'm a big girl!!
We capped off Lyla time by taking her to touch a truck, she wasn't so into the trucks and she was getting one on one attention
This girl loves music and dancing
I am so glad we got the opportunity to have this time with her and that Sydney had such an amazing time with her Mimi and PopPop!!
Girl loves to shake her booty